Did you know that certain types of food can help promote optimal oral health?
There are adjustments to your diet that you’ve likely made to maintain your health, but did you know that these changes can also positively impact your oral health as well?
Calcium and vitamin C can tremendously benefit your oral health, and consuming foods rich in these nutrients can make a positive impact on your all-around health. While we know calcium builds strong teeth and bones, vitamin C has proven to be an incredibly powerful antioxidant, which will help you to develop and maintain healthy gums.
So what are some foods that are rich in calcium and/or vitamin C that you can incorporate into your diet? Your dentist in Vancouver WA has the following suggestions:
- Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheeses. These are all extremely rich calcium foods. As a rule of thumb, you should aim to get somewhere between 1200 and 1500 milligrams of calcium on a daily basis. If you don’t have a lot of dairy in your daily diet, consider a calcium supplement..
- Snack on fruits and veggies. These are all great sources of vitamin C Fruits that tend to have higher levels of vitamin C include berries, oranges, and cantaloupe. Green veggies like broccoli and spinach are also powerhouses for vitamin C. If you have a hard time eating fruits and veggies, consider making a green smoothie..
- Water. Make sure to drink at least 8 cups of water each day. Water plays an important role in helping to wash food particles and debris out of your mouth, helping to prevent tooth decay and other unwanted oral health issues.
For more ideas to enhance your diet for optimal oral health, please contact us at Padden Dental, your dentist in Vancouver WA.