Common Teeth Issues

Common Teeth Issues

Over the years you have surely experienced a variety of tooth issues. These instances can feel scary, especially if you aren’t sure what you need to do. There are plenty of common teeth issues that everyone will experience in their life, and at Padden Dental we are here to help educate you on what you should do.

If you are wanting more information about these issues, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled this list of articles from our Padden Post Blog covering all sorts of topics, including wisdom teeth removal, dental crowns, tooth enamel erosion, tooth loss, and more.

If you want to learn more information or want to come in for a cleaning, please do not hesitate to call us today to schedule an appointment.

Abscessed Tooth?  How would you know it?

Abscessed Tooth? How would you know it?

An abscessed tooth occurs when the dental pulp (otherwise known as the root) becomes infected due to an untreated cavity or a cracked tooth. If you have an abscessed tooth, you likely are experiencing some swelling around the area, discomfort when chewing, and a throbbing toothache. An abscessed tooth can even cause swollen neck glands, bad breath, and an unusual bitter taste in your mouth.

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At Risk of Tooth Loss?

At Risk of Tooth Loss?

Missing a tooth?  Your quality of life could be affected due to a decreased ability to chew, limiting your food options, and potentially leading to poor nutrition.  No one wants to lose their teeth. Not only does a mouth with missing teeth look unattractive, but there... Read More

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